
Small Business Shipping

Small Business Shipping

Thompson Guitar & Thrift is an e-commerce store. You place a guitar parts order with us, we process the order and ship it to you. A majority of the time, like 95%, we use a USPS product for shipping. They have great international shipping rates, and decent priority 2-day options.  The biggest reason we use USPS? Guitar parts are small and lightweight. If you’re shipping anything under 1lb, USPS is the most affordable and reliable option. With their newly branded “Ground Advantage,” a business account pays from $4.00 to $9.00 to ship a package, depending on how much it weighs...

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Anxiety and Guitar

small business

Anxiety and Guitar

Let me start by saying, I’ll be talking about anxiety in this blog. If you suffer from anxiety, you should seek professional help, talk to your friends and family. The world is full of good people who want to help, and you deserve to get that help. Anxiety, at times of my life, has made a mess of my mental health. It’s a dark cloud that dominates my thoughts. It seems to lie to me about things, and wants to take over my life. All inside my head.  A huge thing that anxiety zaps out of me is my motivation...

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Where Did The Music Go? -OR- Am I Just An Old Man?

Where Did The Music Go? -OR- Am I Just An Old Man?

I was born in 1980, and as a kid, music seemed to be everywhere. It was just part of the zeitgeist. I talked about it with my family and friends, it was always playing everywhere. I remember specific albums coming out, everyone going out to buy it, and immediately sitting down to listen to it. I remember the last time I stood in line at midnight to buy an album, it was Radiohead Kid A. Streetside Records on The Loop in St. Louis. I remember looking at the newspaper every Sunday to find out what musical act would be on...

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The Edge, The Sphere, and the Switch to Digital Modeling

The Edge, The Sphere, and the Switch to Digital Modeling

By now, you may have read the news that The Edge of U2 is now using digital amp emulators, notably those made by Universal Audio and Fractal Axe-FX.This recent revelation came about after someone spied his pedalboard during U2’s inaugural gigs in The Sphere in Las Vegas. The Edge has since confirmed this, saying that it was necessary to get a consistent, quality sound in a highly complex venue/setting.  This is notable among us guitar nerds because The Edge is famous for his love of tube amps. If you haven’t seen it already, go watch the Premier Guitar Rig Rundown...

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Filterbilly™ PAF Vintage Spec

Filterbilly™ PAF Vintage Spec

Let's talk about PAFs (baby)! ⚡

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